Day 3
Anyway, I received my reply on
Ok, my ears are better today than yesterday, though my nose look about the same and my face is finally very swollen. At this point, things appear to suck. I'm quite certain the scars on my ears will not disappear.
On a separate note, I am reminded of another life experience that is totally unrelated to PS but somewhat analogous. Like one year ago, I had a house party with some friends. One friend got completely drunk and was largely irresponsive except for groaning, throwing up. His eye balls were flipped (meaning only the sclera, the white part of the eye, could be seen).
I was adamant that he got alcohol poisoning and wanted him to be sent to the hospital. Because I read up like a hundred different sources on symptoms. However, another friend (whose parents were dentists, he calls them doctors) suggested different remedies. He wanted the sickly drunk guy to drink coffee, take a cold shower and then let him sleep. These methods were contraindicated in what I read about alcohol poisoning. I disputed with this doctor's son. Finally, another friend called the ambulance. Turned out it wasn't severe enough to be alcohol poisoning. So I was wrong. The doctor's son followed the drunkard to stay overnight in the hospital to be observed anyway. Sweet chap.
Anyway, my drunk friend had insurance covered for his hospital stay, so it was not that bad.
Maybe I always assume the worst because of my lack of collective experiences. But I still believe that if logical steps can be taken to minimise risks, than do the logical things. The deliberation here is to choose between Logic or Intuition. Then again, I'm also addicted to risks to have PS in the first place. Right now, I can only cross my fingers and hope that things are alright, also to trust in Dr Nara. Because my other choice can only be to return to Singapore and seek a ear specialist. I might have to live with bad cosmetic results.