The swelling has now moved on to the lower half of my face. On the bright side, my eyes are not as swollen as yesterday. The little bruise you see on the bridge of my nose was caused by massaging the dorsal hump last night in an effort to reduce it. It's futile, and I have stopped.
Ok, more pictures...
A close-up of inside my nose. I'm guessing the white threads you see are dissolvable stitches, while the black threads at the alar base are stitches to be removed. They are not bloody as a staff at Dr Nara's clinic helped me clean up the excess blood with saline solution on the second day I went back. I notice the alar base doesn't hurt now, because I can laugh a little at things I watch on TV, which for the previous days I was unable to do so without pain.
This is the side profile. The bruise I accidentally made is hidden on the other side, but you may see a little bit.